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Acupuncture For Skin

Eczema is an inflammation of the upper layers of the skin, and also called dermatitis. Conventional Medicine views eczema as an untreatable autoimmune disease and prescribes immune suppressing steroid creams for maintenance. Unfortunately, creams provide limited relief and cannot cure eczema.

Nummular eczema, dyshidrotic eczema, atopic dermatitis (AD), seborrheic dermatitis, hives, eczema, baby eczema, cradle cap, scaly skin, hands eczema (dyshidrotic eczema or pompholyx), infant eczema and pruritus are all considered types of eczema.


Symptoms of Eczema

Common symptoms are skin swelling, itchiness and rashes but, when severe patients suffer from red, flaky, and dry skin.

Scratching and rubbing because of the itchiness further irritates the skin and increases the itchiness. Atopic dermatitis typically appears in the insides of the elbows, backs of the knees and the face, but can cover most of the body in severe cases.


Treating Eczema

We treat dermatitis with the methodology based on Traditional Eastern Medicine. Rather than treating eczema as just a disease of the skin, we approach it as a manifestation of an imbalance between the inner body and the outer environment.

The prime reason for this imbalance is caused by excessive heat inside the body that accumulates in the body, which should normally radiate out regulatory systems such as, perspiration, blood circulation and respiration. If this cooling system does not work properly, the excess heat will force its way out the closest exit, which is usually the skin. This forceful exit damages the tissue, which results in inflammation, rashes and itchiness of the skin.

Our practitioners treat dermatitis by helping the inner excessive heat exit the body in a more regulated and less damaging way. We use acupuncture, herbal medicine, the Skin Herbal Detox Bath Therapy and other modalities to achieve this—all to help the body remove pathologic heat and the toxins produced by it.

Eczema Treatment Through Acupuncture
Treating Acne Through Acupuncture


Acne is also known as pimples, zits and acne vulgaris. The main reason acne is so persistent despite treatments or meds, is because conventional treatments focus on the superficial skin surface only.

According to Traditional Eastern Medicine theory, malignant acne eruptions are due to disruptions and stagnations in the Skin-Qi, which causes heat and toxins to accumulate so acne germs can proliferate. Some people are born with a weaker skin immune strength, and are thus more prone to skin infections.

Acne may also be caused by a chronic digestive tract issue, like constipation or indigestion, or blood stagnation that causes the accumulation of unnecessary toxins in the system. By improving and removing the fundamental cause of acne, we work to prevent future flare-ups.


4 Main Causes Of Acne

  1.  Pores
     Over-production of skin oil, accumulation of dead skin cells, and bacteria in the pores.

  2. Gastrointestinal Problems
    Heat is generated by stimulation in the stomach, causing acne.

  3. Stress
    Stress is one of the main causes of acne.

  4. Menstrual Cycle

        During a woman’s menstrual period, the body secretes hormones that lead to break outs.


Treating Acne

Our comprehensive acne program includes the following treatments:

  1. Skin treatment focused on the extraction of acne comedones and elimination of the acne germ from hair follicles.

  2. Skin rejuvenation treatment for damaged skin and scars. Our Acne program is similar to IPL laser or chemical peeling, but is more effective and less invasive. We apply the MTS (Micro-Needling Stimulation) technique to treat acne and acne scars.

  3. Personalized herbal medication and acupuncture treatments to strengthen the Skin-Qi and stop acne from proliferating. Changing dietary and exercise habits are also important, and our Reset Detox Diet can also help improve your skin and health.

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11130 Fairfax Blvd Ste 204, Fairfax, VA 22030

TEL : 703-909-5588 (text available)

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